Voyant, kepler.gl, and Palladio: A Tale of Three Visualization Tools

Introduction There are web-based digital platforms that empower users to upload data and explore it with the generation of visualizations. These are free of charge and fairly easy to use. Tools like Voyant, kepler.gl, and Palladio help examine digital sources in very distinct fashions. Voyant, for instance, focuses on corpus analysis, kepler.gl will do mapping…

ARCAS Digital Repository of Argentinian Literature & Arts Scholarship

ARCAS: A Digital Repository of Argentine Literature & Arts Scholarship

For Latin American literature enthusiasts (like myself), especially those with keen interest in Southern Cone studies, there’s a beautifully crafted website devoted to the works of Argentine authors, artists, popular literature, and linguistic studies. ARCAS is an open access portal that presents collections sponsored by the School of Humanities and Pedagogical Sciences of the Universidad…

Refurbishing Space Shuttle Discovery before launch

NASA on The Commons on Flickr: A Love Affair Rekindled Thanks to Digital Humanities

Visiting the NASA on The Commons on Flickr online platform takes me back on love memory lane, working as an undergraduate co-op at Cape Canaveral. It’s not my first time discovering this awesome venue hosted by Flickr, for my love affair with the Space Program has endured all these years, including my tenure as STEM librarian…

My Personal Take on What Digital Humanities is About

Through these beginning stages of entering the Digital Humanities realm, I’m starting to get a sense of what DH is.  With what I’ve been exposed so far, leads me to conceive this construct as a chronotope (Bahktin), emerging as a center that gives body to the multiple intersections between digital media and humanistic inquiry. Based…