

Territorio no Incorporado: Social Mappings of Puerto Ricans in South Carolina’s Upstate Region is a small-scale prototype that aims to capture the historical experience of Puerto Ricans and the relationships they have established to strengthen Latinx networks in the Upstate. This platform will broaden the public historical imagination by engaging users with Puerto Rican digital heritage sources (people, stories, places, video, images, audio, scholarly works, and oral histories) to map a relational network of Latinidad. The nodes and links formed by contributing storytellers will visualize their connections with one another and with the larger Latinx community around them. “Territorio no Incorporado” is an invitation for visitors to self-activate, to identify these connectors, to explore and interpret the relationships and interactions that make up this network, and to form new meanings in relation to moments of Puerto Rican-Latinx coexistence.