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Nashieli Marcano
A Librarian Leaning Into Digital Humanities
Nashieli Marcano
More to This Than Meets the Eye
Learning Objectives
Study Guide: 1898 War Political Cartoons
Activity 1: A Closer Look at a Political Cartoon
Activity 2: A Re-Look at Cartoons
Activity 3: Zoom-In
Additional Activities
Activity 4: Compare a political cartoon with a school play
Activity 5: Compare political cartoons with 1898 newspaper articles
Activity 6: Compare political cartoons from different eras
Cartoons Gallery
Primary & Secondary Sources
Primary Sources
Uncle Sam’s New Scholars (Play)
“Do We Need Cuba?” (New York Evening Post, March 21st, 1889)
“A Vindication to Cuba” (José Martí, Evening Post, March 25th, 1889)
The White Man’s Burden: The United States and the Philippine Islands (Poem, 1899)
Secondary Sources
Other Prototypes
Other Imaginings
Puerto Rico
July 13, 2020
There are no images.
U.S. Imperialism