Part I. The two most common words in Slave Narrative Corpus: “old” and “come”

A. Cirrus Word Cloud of Most Common Words Across Corpus

B. Relative Frequencies of the words “old” and “come” in All Documents

Part II. Word #1: “old”

A. Trend Graph of word “old” Across Corpus

B. Trend Graph of word “old” Across all Document Segments

C. Trend Graph of Word “old” Within Oklahoma Document Segments

D. Trend Graph of word “old” Within Tennessee Document Segments

Part III. Word #2: “come”

A. Trend Graph of word “come” Across Corpus

B. Trend Graph of word “come” Across all Documents


C. Trend Graph of word “come” within Oklahoma Document Segments

D. Trend Graph of word “come” within Tennessee Document Segments

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