My experience and training as an academic librarian have equipped me with the skills to assess different types of content, including websites. One of the many criteria that I have presented to students in library instruction sessions is the CRAAP test, an acronym that stands for Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose. This test has served as a…
“Because of my internship at RRCHNM, I am….” (Part IV)
…entering the complex and dynamic realm of digital humanities. Through my text mining and visualization work at RRCHNM, I have gained an understanding of how historians can make use of some of these tools to approach humanistic research related to the Appalachian Trail. My goal has been to engage with hands-on textual analysis tools to…
Application of Skills and Knowledge from GMU Coursework to RRCHNM Internship (Part III)
During my work with the RRCHNM, I have had the opportunity to (1) apply skills and knowledge learned through my DHP graduate certificate coursework and gain a great appreciation of the diverse projects of digital humanists that are currently underway. Here are the main two the constructs I have carried with me throughout my internship…
HIST689: On Selecting American Political Cartoons on the 1898 War
What were the cultural meanings assigned to Caribbean populations by Americans at the turn of the 20th century? Why is it so difficult to make sense of visual representations produced in the past? How can we “read” political cartoons? In what ways can political cartoons convey a political issue or standpoint? How similar or different…
“Territorio no incorporado”: Wrap-Up Report
Introduction “Territorio no incorporado” is a small-scale, digital public history prototype developed to showcase the experience of Puerto Ricans in the Upstate region of South Carolina. Powered by Omeka, this site has been an invitation for DPH newbies like me to get a firm handle on the how to build a website, select and create…
Doing Digital Humanities: A Reflection from a Newbie
Aim of EnRoutes With EnRoutes: Markers & Makers in 1900s’ Puerto Rico, I wanted to create a space where the audience can establish relationships with visualized images and annotations. I have great interest in how road system projects that took place in 1900s transformed social networks in Puerto Rico. In Puerto Rico, considered to be…