Wow! I always wanted to learn how to play with, and thanks top my DH course, I can say that I am getting more comfortable with the capabilities of this platform. As a very robust mapping tool, facilitates analysis of large data sets by generating a variety maps (points, clusters, categories, networks, and heatmaps) with filters and layers.

The cluster map visualizes aggregated data, displaying the location where a group of interviews took place close to one another. The heatmap would be the one showing the density of points. While the point map shows points for a specific interview based on its location (lat/lng), the heatmap shows those hot areas where there is hot” areas where there are multiple points.

The time map visualizes when interviews took place. Its timeline feature lets you reveal the order in which the interviews were taking place across time. The Category map displays the interview sites of “house” slaves (magenta) and of “field” slaves (light pink).
Presner, Todd, and David Shepard. “Mapping the Geospatial Turn.” In The New Companion to Digital Humanities, edited by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth, 247-259. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, 2016. 

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